Important 2020 Election Dates - Start the Process Early!
General Election Dates & Times
Late Sep/ Early Oct: If you don't have your ballot now click Track Ballot button!
Early Vote In Person: Sat Oct 17 - Fri Oct 30.
Weekends: Sat Oct 17, Sun Oct 18, Sat Oct 24, Sun Oct 25: 2PM - 4PM
Weekdays: Mon Oct 19 - Thur Oct 22, Mon Oct 26 - Thur Oct 29: 10AM - 2PM
Last Day to Vote Early In Person: Fri Oct 30: 10AM - 3PM -
Oct 24, 2-4 PM, 7-8 PM: Last day to register or change party affiliation
Oct 28: Last date for town clerk to receive mail-in ballot application.
Tue Nov 3: General Election Day: polls 7AM - 8PM
Nov 3: Mail-in ballots must be post marked by this day and received by 11/6.
As of now (10/30) we urge you to deliver your ballot by hand to the secure drop box slot at your local election office, town hall.
The registration to vote deadline is 10 days prior to election day. Receipt of mailed-back ballots will be acknowledged.
Contingency Actions
If you have not requested mail-in ballot for the general election, consider requesting by phone, email or pickup from the Town Clerk. This avoids posssible USPS delays.
Check your mail-in ballot upon receipt. If there is an error, you can get a replacement from the Town Clerk.
USPS service is being deliberately degraded by the Trump administration. We urge you to deliver your ballot by hand to the secure drop box slot at your local election office and take it easy on the USPS. The local election office in Carlisle is the Town Hall. The drop-off slot is in the wall to the left of the front doors, available 24/7. The ballot doesn't fit and (confirmed by town clerk) may be folded to fit.
Track Your Ballot and report problems quickly. Fill out the tracking form exactly - it's a tad particular.
You don't have to use your mail-in ballot. You can change your mind and vote in person during early voting or on election day. If you have already sent in a mail-in ballot, then you will not be allowed to vote in person.
Help Democrats Win!
The Key States
Canvass Now
Text/Phonebank in Swing States! Together for 2020: A Concise Guide to get going ASAP
Carlisle Phoning for Biden. This effort is done!
Work to make/keep state legislatures blue and curb GOP gerrymandering!
Smart Choices with analysis from Force Multiplier and Nate Silver's 538
Get Involved
At Swing Left the focus is narrowing to FL, ME, MI, NC, PA, WI. Click and read about each one's importance to Biden, the Senate, and state legislatures which will play a role in redistricting in 2021. The Carlisle DTC tracks current polls for Biden and for key Senate races. Newly added: third party polls and % votes uncommitted.
Choose your favorite method and sign up. (Written material projects are over.)
Start here: You can browse the calendar and sign up for what you want, or zero in on specific events....
Select events by Campaign State (e.g., Arizona )
Enter CTRL F or (Mac) CMD F (a near-universal tool in many applications!) to bring up a search box. In the CTRL/CMD F search box type: text. This highlights the texting sessions. Click what you want and, if you have not been trained follow the links to sign up for training. After initial training, you can expect per-session training at the start of each session.
Sign up for repeat texting/phoning sessions in your favorite state(s). Get set for now through November 3!
Carlisle DTC members have recruited about 30 Carlisle residents to volunteer for the Carlisle for Biden campaign!

The Six Super State button above leads you to a map. Click a state to read about its strategy, including recommended events to help state house and senate candidates. You can also find each state's writeup directly. E.g., North Carolina, where specific phone banking opportunities and contact info for someone who can help you:
These sites let you track candidates you like who are in tight races. This is where your money makes a difference. The 538 link gives latest data on a races.
All are welcome - You need not be a member or even a resident! We have unenrolled volunteers too. The CDTC has member and associate member openings. CONTACT us if you would like to talk.
CDTC Facebook Feed
Join the Sister District Project to flip state legislatures blue and improve voters' rights.
This long-term strategic project works nationally to turn and keep state legislatures blue. The home page lists its target seats and includes information on the degree of gerrymandering and voter suppression and links to events.
Post Cards are done. Here's what we accomplished!
19 volunteers - CDTC members and others who got the word - wrote thirteen rounds of postcards to GA, FL, TX, NC urging voters to apply for mail-in ballots. In FL Manatee County we even piggy-backed the stamped application on our contact post card so the voter had only to fill it in, tear it off and drop in the mail. We mailed over 3000 post cards in all. Thanks to volunteers in Carlisle Rising to Action and have a look at what else they are doing!