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Carlisle Democratic Town Committee Operations 


The committee currently has 25 members, four of whom are lifetime members (20 years or more.)  Quite a few members came in shortly after Donald Trump was elected, fired up to strengthen progressive ideals in the face of GOP threats to move the country backwards.  Members are elected for four year terms in presidential election years on the democratic ballot.  Vacancies are filled by committee vote any time.  We also have Associate members who want to know about volunteer activities without to meeting the usual meeting attendance expectations.



Officers are elected for two year terms in election years.  Vacancies are filled till the end of the current term period.  New as of Jun 16, 2022.


Chair:  Bridget Ferrari
Vice-Chair 1:  Frank Rigg

Vice-Chair 2:  Francis Tacardon
Secretary:  Dave Erickson
Treasurer:  Dan Cook

Affirmative Action and Diversity Adviser:  vacant



The standard time is the evening of the 3rd Thursday every month except for December, and  state caucus month.  Meetings officially run from 7pm to 8:30pm and, when in-person, are preceded by chair setup and informal conversation.   Meetings are open to the public.  Meetings are via zoom until further notice. 

Find Out About CDTC-Hosted Events

Announcements of upcoming meetings, and CDTC-hosted events are published in the Carlisle Mosquito on the Friday preceding the events, or two Fridays in advance if the Mosquito is missing a week.  Upcoming CDTC events including the meetings are posted on our calendar.  Activities of interest are described in the What's New column of our home page and on Facebook.



The town committee's By-Laws are based on the "Sample By-Laws" provided by the state.  The Sample By-Laws are the default By-Laws if a committee doesn't write its own.  Note:  Needs a final review and vote for changed paragraph merge back.  But we have been using this version for months.

Policies and Procedures

Policies & Procedures

This document is a beginning and will grow as we settle more questions over time.  It covers only topics that are left to individual DTCs.  

How Members, Officers Elected

How Members and Officers Are Elected

The Secretary of the Commonwealth website describes how officers and members get elected during a regular election. It has all the relevant dates as well as how to get the relevant forms (there is a phone number), form a slate, and get the filled-out forms certified by the town clerk.  The example forms show what the forms look like and detailed instructions on how to fill them out.  The change form is used to update the SoC office when officers or  members leave or are voted in between elections.

Note to Webmaster:  Check the SoC website along about Aug 1, 15 months prior to the presidential election for DTC election procedures.

Past Minutes

Past Minutes

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