Join Us For Meetings
One of the hardest things about grass roots action is that one voice is tiny. By banding together we can speak with a larger voice. Visit one of our regular meetings. They have committee business, but also guest speakers, discussion of action we want to take, etc. Meetings and other CDTC-hosted events are in the Calendar. Meetings are the third Thursday each month from about 7pm - 8:30pm. We usually take a break November and December.
We are transitioning from all Zoom to alternating in person and Zoom meetings. Masks still encouraged in person in the Clark Room (just on your left as you enter the front door) in Town Hall.
The public is welcome to our meetings and they are announced in the Mosquito press release section as well as the website Welcome page and the Calendar.
Town Hall: 66 Westford Street, Carlisle, MA, 01741
Parking to right as you face building.