Nat'l Organization Directory
Protests and direct campaign work can be empowering, uplifting, and inspiring. They can change the course of history. But not on their own. We need to back up our voices on protest day with actions in our communities in support of the causes we're passionate about. Here is a long list of organizations that can help, wherever you live. Please report non-useful links you notice and links you have found useful to
Resist and Protest
An organization posting activism opportunities
Vote, Vote, Vote
Get Organized
The Environmental Voter Project - Bipartisan Canvassing opportunities
Request National Lawyers Guild “Know Your Rights” training/booklets
Request National Lawyers Guild Legal Observers for your event
Get Informed
Make Your Money Count
Grab Your Wallet: Stop shopping at retailers that do business with the Trump family
Buycott: Learn how a manufacturer matches up against your principles